In Memoriam: Jeremy Bulloch (Q’s assistant Smithers)
December 17, 2020We are saddened to hear that Jeremy Bulloch (February 16, 1945 – December 17, 2020) has passed away.
He was an English actor best known for the role of the bounty hunter Boba Fett in the original Star Wars trilogy. He has appeared in numerous British television and film productions, including Doctor Who and Robin of Sherwood.

We had a chance to chat with him in Star Wars event Hoth-Con 2016 in Helsinki, Finland.
007 Travelers had an honour to meet Jeremy Bulloch, who’s Bond career started already in 1977, when he appeared in “The Spy Who Loved Me” (1977) as HMS Ranger Crewman.
Mr. Bulloch told us that producers wanted him to come back to Bond series some years later and he got the part of Smithers, who is Q‘s (Desmond Llewelyn) assistant. Bulloch played the part twice in “For Your Eyes Only” (1981) and in “Octopussy” (1983).