May 2, 2022
007 Drink: Auchentoshan whisky
Drink: Auchentoshan whiskyBond book appearance: Carte Blanche (2011) Experience of 007 Travelers: At home ‘Drink?’ Bond: ‘Whisky. Scotch. No blend.’…
Drink: Auchentoshan whiskyBond book appearance: Carte Blanche (2011) Experience of 007 Travelers: At home ‘Drink?’ Bond: ‘Whisky. Scotch. No blend.’…
Drink: Unnamed Scotch Whisky Bond book appearance: Live and Let Die, Tomorrow Never Dies, DoubleShot Experience of 007 Travelers: @ home…
Drink: Unnamed Bourbon Whisky Bond movie appearance: Live and Let Die, GoldenEye Bond book appearance: at least in Live and…