October 7, 2013
007 Travel story: Rome, Fregenae (ITALY), Vatican City (VATICAN) 2011
By 007 TravelersItaly: Rome & Fregenae and the Vatican City from 24th to 30th of June 2011. We’ve been on the trail of James Bond again, this time…
James Bond 007 location traveling since 2010.
Italy: Rome & Fregenae and the Vatican City from 24th to 30th of June 2011. We’ve been on the trail of James Bond again, this time…
Italia: Rooma & Fregene sekä Vatikaani 24.-30.6.2011 Ollaan oltu taas James Bondin jäljillä, tällä kertaa Italiassa. 🙂 Bond-kohteet tällä kertaa…
Pirita and Mika, Finland´s first James Bond bloggers, visiting 007 filming and book locations.