007 Filming location: Parking lot of Hotel Splendide / Casino Royale (2006)
Bond movie: Casino Royale (2006)Place and location in the movie: Hotel Splendide’s parking lot, MontenegroActual place and location: Parkoviste Grand…
Bond movie: Casino Royale (2006)Place and location in the movie: Hotel Splendide’s parking lot, MontenegroActual place and location: Parkoviste Grand…
Hei, nyt meidät löytää myös Soundcloudista: https://soundcloud.com/007travelers Kerromme 007-matkoistamme maailmalla, Bondin hengessä tietenkin. Podcastin tarkoitus on lisätä Bond-tietoutta Suomessa. Ensimmäisessä…
THE ELEVATOR IN HOTEL SPLENDIDE Bond movie: Casino Royale (2006) Place and location in the movie: Hotel Splendide, Montenegro Actual place…
CASINO ROYALE EXTERIORS Bond movie: Casino Royale (2006) Place and location in the movie: Casino Royale in Montenegro Actual place…
TAXI STOP IN MONTENEGRO Bond movie: Casino Royale (2006) Place and location in the movie: Front of Railway Station, Montenegro…
MONTENEGRO RAILWAY STATION Bond movie: Casino Royale (2006) Place and location in the movie: Railway Station, Montenegro Actual place and…
THE FRONT YARD OF HOTEL SPLENDIDE Bond movie Casino Royale (2006) Place and location in the movie: The front yard…
PIZZERIA CAPRI – RISTORANTE Location: Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic Address: Stará Louka 42 Bond connection: Daniel Craig had dinner here…