August 15, 2020
007 Food: Scrambled eggs, orange juice and vanilla yogurt
Food: Scrambled eggs, orange juice and vanilla yogurt Bond book appearance: Blast from the Past (1997) Experience of 007 Travelers:…
James Bond 007 location traveling since 2010.
Food: Scrambled eggs, orange juice and vanilla yogurt Bond book appearance: Blast from the Past (1997) Experience of 007 Travelers:…
Bond books: Live And Let Die (1954), Diamonds Are Forever (1956), Goldfinger (1959), “007 in New York” (1964), For Special Services (1982), “Blast from…
Bond book: “Blast from the Past” Author: Raymond Benson Publication year: January 1997 First publication: Playboy, January 1997 issue. The…