007 Filming location: Kentucky Fried Chicken in Kentucky / Goldfinger (1964)
November 17, 2021Bond movie: Goldfinger (1964)
Place and location in the movie: In front of Kentucky Fried Chicken, Kentucky, USA
Actual place and location: In front of Kentucky Fried Chicken, 701 Northwest 119th Street, Miami, USA
What happens here in the movie: Felix Leiter (Cec Linder) and his colleague Johnny (Peter Cranwell) follow Odd Job (Harold Sakata) and Mr. Solo (Martin Benson). (They think they are following Bond, but 007 put a homing device in Mr. Solo’s pocket).
Visited by 007 Travelers: July 2019
NOTE: Back in 1964 director Guy Hamilton chose the spot in Miami, because Kentucky was mentioned in the restaurant’s name. He didn’t know that KFC is a nationwide franchise, that is in many other cities besides Kentucky.
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