007 Filming location: Hamburg Airport / Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

007 Filming location: Hamburg Airport / Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)

December 23, 2023 0 By 007 Travelers

Bond movie: Tomorrow Never Dies (1997)
Place and location in the movie: Hamburg Airport, Hamburg, Germany
Actual place and locationHamburg Airport, Terminal 4. Today the terminal is known as T2, Flughafen str 1-3, Hamburg, Germany
What happens here in the movie: Bond (Pierce Brosnan) meets Q (Desmond Llewelyn) disguised as an AVIS officer, at the airport.

Hamburg Airport known in German as Flughafen Hamburg, is a major international airport in Hamburg, the second-largest city in Germany. Since November 2016 the airport has been named after the former German chancellor Helmut Schmidt. It is located 8.5 km (5.3 mi) north of the city centre in the Fuhlsbüttel quarter and serves as a hub for Eurowings and focus city for Condor. It was formerly named Hamburg-Fuhlsbüttel Airport, a name still frequently used. (Wikipedia)

Mika and Pirita / 007 Travelers at the Hamburg airport (small pic: Q and Bond at the same place)

The place where the AVIS booth is in the movie

In real life the AVIS office is in the corridor of the airport building, not in the middle of the departure hall like in the movie

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