007 Book: No Deals, Mr. Bond (1987)

007 Book: No Deals, Mr. Bond (1987)

June 27, 2014 0 By 007 Travelers
Bond book: No Deals, Mr. Bond
Author: John Gardner
Publication date: 21 May 1987
No Deals, Mr. Bond was the sixth novel by John Gardner featuring Ian Fleming’s secret agent, James Bond. No Deals, Mr. Bond has the minor distinction of being the first and, thus far, only non-novelisation James Bond novel to incorporate the agent’s name into the title.
No Deals, Mr. Bond begins with a mission in the Baltic Sea dubbed “Seahawk”, which involves James Bond stealthily extracting two women that have completed an assignment in East Germany. After accomplishing his mission, the book continues 5 years later with Bond being called in by M to learn more background into what those women were doing there before being extracted. Their mission, dubbed Cream Cake, was a honey trap that involved getting close to top Soviet personnel as a means to not only spy for the British Secret Service, but to secure the defection of 2 highly ranking Soviet officers, an act that the Soviets occasionally performed against countries of the West.
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