007 Book: James Bond and Moonraker (1979)
June 27, 2014Author: Christopher Wood
Publication year: 1979
James Bond and Moonraker is a novelization by Christopher Wood of the James Bond film Moonraker.
Its name was changed to avoid confusion with Fleming’s novel. The screenplay of Moonraker differed so much from Ian Fleming’s novel that Eon Productions authorized the film’s screenwriter, Christopher Wood to write a novelization based upon the film, as he had done for The Spy Who Loved Me.
Its name was changed to avoid confusion with Fleming’s novel. The screenplay of Moonraker differed so much from Ian Fleming’s novel that Eon Productions authorized the film’s screenwriter, Christopher Wood to write a novelization based upon the film, as he had done for The Spy Who Loved Me.
Unlike Wood’s first novelization, which showed a significant difference to the actual film, in James Bond and Moonraker, Wood writes a virtually direct novelization of the screenplay. The only noticeable differences between the novelization and the screenplay for Moonraker is that there is no mention of Dolly, Jaws’ girlfriend, and his characterization stays true to Wood’s description as being a mute. In addition, at the conclusion of the Venetian canal chase sequence, Bond’s gondola does not sprout a flotation device and ascend to St. Mark’s square as it does in the film.
British Secret Service agent James Bond, codename 007, must prevent Sir Hugo Drax’s plan to murder the entire human race and then restart humanity from outer space.
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