007 Book location: Queen Mary’s Rose Garden / You Only Live Twice (1964), No Deals, Mr. Bond (1987), The Moneypenny Diaries: Guardian Angel (2005)

007 Book location: Queen Mary’s Rose Garden / You Only Live Twice (1964), No Deals, Mr. Bond (1987), The Moneypenny Diaries: Guardian Angel (2005)

July 4, 2014 0 By 007 Travelers

Bond book: You Only Live Twice (1964), No Deals Mr. Bond (1987), The Moneypenny Diaries: Guardian Angel (2005)
Place and location in the book: Queen Mary’s Garden’s, Chester Road, The Regent’s Park, London, England
What happens here in the book: James Bond relaxes and admires roses in Rose Garden (YOLT), Bond walks in the garden (NDMB), Bond remembers Tracy (TMDGA)
Visited by 007 Travelers: 2013

“But today, on the last day of August, just eight months, as he had reminded himself that morning, since Tracy had died, he sat in Queen Mary´s Rose Garden in Regent’s Park, and his mind was totally occupied with just these things.”

“James Bond got to his feet and went over and read the lead labels of the roses he had been gazing at. They told him that the bright vermilion ones were ‘Super Star’ and the white ones ‘Iceberg’.”

Ian Fleming:You Only Live Twice” (1964)
“I had a hunch where he might be. A couple of times recently, I’d spied him sitting on a bench in the rose garden, just staring at the sky. “I like it here, Penny,” he said once. “The red ones remind me of Tracy.” It’s been nearly four months since she was killed, but he’s clearly living with it every day. According to Mary, he still arrives late most days with a bear of a hangover. ” I should have seen it, Penny,” he said when I found him this time. “How did I let that happen to her? What am I to do now?”
Kate Westbrook: “The Moneypenny Diaries: Guardian Angel” (2005)

See the whole 007 Travel story here
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