007 Book location: Boulevard Haussmann in Paris, France / James Bond, the Authorized Biography of 007 (1973)

007 Book location: Boulevard Haussmann in Paris, France / James Bond, the Authorized Biography of 007 (1973)

July 10, 2022 0 By 007 Travelers

Bond book: James Bond, the Authorized Biography of 007 (1973)
Place and location in the book: Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France
What happens here in the book: Bond spends a night at the Brinton flat on the Boulevard Haussmann
Visited by 007 Travelers: October 2013

“Bond spent the night at the Brinton flat on the Boulevard Haussmann. When he awoke a messenger had already brought him an envelope. Inside was his pocket book. It contained two crisp ten-thousand franc notes – also a letter from Marthe de Brandt inviting him to supper.”

John Pearson: “James Bond, The Authorized Biography of 007“ (1973)

SPECTRE’s headquarters in located at 136 Boulevard Haussmann in Ian Fleming‘s Bond novel “Thunderball” (1961)

Mika / 007 Travelers on Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France

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