007 Book location: Boulevard Haussmann in Paris, France / James Bond, the Authorized Biography of 007 (1973)
July 10, 2022 0 By 007 TravelersBond book: James Bond, the Authorized Biography of 007 (1973)
Place and location in the book: Boulevard Haussmann, Paris, France
What happens here in the book: Bond spends a night at the Brinton flat on the Boulevard Haussmann
Visited by 007 Travelers: October 2013
“Bond spent the night at the Brinton flat on the Boulevard Haussmann. When he awoke a messenger had already brought him an envelope. Inside was his pocket book. It contained two crisp ten-thousand franc notes – also a letter from Marthe de Brandt inviting him to supper.”
John Pearson: “James Bond, The Authorized Biography of 007“ (1973)
SPECTRE’s headquarters in located at 136 Boulevard Haussmann in Ian Fleming‘s Bond novel “Thunderball” (1961)
See more 007 BOOK LOCATIONS here
About The Author
Pirita and Mika travel around the world searching for James Bond filming locations. Since 2010.