007th Anniversary of 007 Travelers website

007th Anniversary of 007 Travelers website

July 29, 2020 0 By 007 Travelers

Our site is now 007 years old (29th of July 2020). However, we started Bond location traveling together ten years ago. Hopefully there are still many trips to go in coming years.

We want to thank all our followers on our site and social media pages.

Keep on Bonding!

007 Travelers website






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Bond’s home in “SPECTRE” (2015).
Palazzo Cadenza where the SPECTRE meeting takes place.
Aston Martin DB5 and 007 Travelers at Bond in Motion Exhibition.
007 Travelers in Rules Restaurant, where we got engaged. This is the very table where M, Q and Moneypenny meet in “SPECTRE” (2015).
A filming location in Gibraltar from “The Living Daylights” (1987).