007 Travelers in Matkaopas magazine

007 Travelers in Matkaopas magazine

October 4, 2015 0 By 007 Travelers

Interview date
3 June 2015 / Sanoma, Ruoholahti, Helsinki, Finland
Photo shooting:
4 July 2015 / Outside of Hotel Torni, Helsinki, Finland
Publishing date: 30 September 2015

Six pages article with photos!

007 Travelers in Finnish travel magazine Matkaopas , No. 5/2015. Matkaopas is the biggest travel magazine in Finland.

The headline of the story is 
“On the trails of James Bond”

The text is only in Finnish.

Text: Reijä Ypyä
Photos: Susanna Kekkonen, Tuomas Kolehmainen, 007 Travelers

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