007 Food: Two omelettes and fries and a bottle of champagne
November 18, 2021Food: Two omelettes and fries and a bottle of champagne
Bond book appearance: Solo (2013). Bond and Efua Blessing eat this kind of meal at Blackstone Park Motor Lodge near Washington DC, USA.
Experience of 007 Travelers: Self-made
“Bond and Blessing made love, then ordered food and drink – two omelettes and fries and a bottle of champagne – and after they’d eaten and drunk, they made love again. She was eager and insisting, giving him precise instructions, at one stage rolling him on to his back and sitting astride him, her hands pressing hard on his chest as she rocked to and fro. Bond did as he was told, revelling in her slim brown body, her lissom youthfulness.”
William Boyd: “Solo” (2013)

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