007 Food: Thin, crispy pizzas with a bottle of the local red wine

007 Food: Thin, crispy pizzas with a bottle of the local red wine

January 24, 2021 0 By 007 Travelers

Food: Thin, crispy pizzas with a bottle of the local red wine
Bond eats this dinner at one of the sidewalk cafés in Corsica, France.

Bond book appearance: Never Dream of Dying (2001).

Experience of 007 Travelers: Self-made

“Bond and Tylyn had a quiet dinner in town at one of the many sidewalk cafés off the main street. They had thin, crispy pizzas with a bottle of the local red wine. Afterward they strolled among the tourist shops, looking at the extensive displays of Corsican knives, T-shirts with the symbol of Corsica, “the moor” on them, and other arts and crafts souvenirs.”

Raymond Benson: “Never Dream of Dying” (2001)

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