007 Food: Karelian hot pot / stew

007 Food: Karelian hot pot / stew

March 25, 2014 0 By 007 Travelers
Food: Karelian hot pot / stew
Bond book appearance: James Bond, the Authorized Biography of 007
Experience of 007 Travelers: Savotta Restaurant, Helsinki, Finland

The Karelian hot pot (British) or Karelian stew (US) (Karjalanpaisti in Finnish) is a traditional meat stew originating from the region of Karelia (now split between Finland and Russia). It is commonly prepared using a combination of pork and beef, but lamb can also be used. Along with the Karelian pasties (Karjalanpiirakat), it is the most widely recognised Karelian food in Finland. In 2007, it was selected as the national dish of Finland by the readers of the Finnish tabloid Iltalehti.
See more information here

“Bond drank quite a few shots and stated that the crowd started to look more cheerful. Birkin wanted to order traditional Finnish food – savoury pie, Karelian hot pot and reindeer tongue. The good side of the Finnish food is that it gives you guts. (Finnish “sisu”) It is needed in the place like this. It´s a shame that you won´t be staying longer.”

John Pearson: “The Authorized Biography of 007″

See more 007 FOODS here