007 Food: Chipped plate with a wedge of pork pie, two slices of hard, dry bread and a lump of stale cheese on it

007 Food: Chipped plate with a wedge of pork pie, two slices of hard, dry bread and a lump of stale cheese on it

June 24, 2019 0 By 007 Travelers

Food: Chipped plate with a wedge of pork pie, two slices of hard, dry bread and a lump of stale cheese on it

Bond book appearance: Young Bond: Double Or Die (2007)

Experience of 007 Travelers: Self-made

“Lou’s wife, Maureen, a short, round woman with a huge wart on her cheek, had brought in a chipped plate with a wedge of pork pie, two slices of hard, dry bread and a lump of stale cheese on it. James forced some down, though chewing was difficult and swallowing harder. The bread kept forming into a sticky ball in his mouth and he had to wash it down with more water.”

Charlie Higson: “Young Bond: Double or Die

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